Articles by Author
Armstrong, Thomas, ‘T. W. Bourne – A Postscript’, 3/2 (1992).
Armstrong, Thomas, ‘T. W. Bourne (1862-1948): A Forgotten Pioneer’, 3/1 (1992) [with postscript by Terence Best].
Baines, Emily, ‘The Ghost in the Machine: Performing, Recording and Responding to the Performance Style found in Eighteenth-Century Mechanical Musical Instruments’, 33/2 (2022).
Baldwin, Olive, and Thelma Wilson, ‘Another Handelian Bass Singer and Organist’, 24/2 (2013)
–––– ‘Ciel’d after the manner of the Oratorios’, 31/2 (2020).
–––– ‘Handel beating time in Ipswich: Messrs Moore’s superb Musical Machine’, 30/1 (2019).
Beeks, Graydon, ‘Notes on the Cannons Music Catalogues’, 23/1 (2012).
Best, Terence, ‘Handel’s Water Music: A New Source’, 16/1 (2005).
–––– ‘Semele at London Handel Festival’, 26/1 (2015).
–––– ‘Two Newly Discovered References to Handel’, 2/1 (1991).
–––– ‘Who sang in La Resurrezione’, 21/1 (2010).
Bloor, Susan, and Smith, Ruth, ‘Charles Jennens returns to Foremarke’, 28/1 (2017).
Buckle, Lizzy, ‘Musical Ties: Mapping performer interactions in London’s 1760/61 concert season’, 33/1 (2022).
Burden, Michael, ‘But which song? A causerie on the database ‘The Italian opera aria on the London stage 1705–1801’, 30/2 (2019).
Burrows, Donald, ‘A New Handel Letter’, 24/1 (2013).
–––– ‘A new Trail in Wordbooks for Handel’s Oratorios’, 33/1 (2022).
–––– ‘A Question of Terminology’, 5/2 (1994).
–––– ‘A well-handled Situation?’, 31/1 (2020).
–––– ‘Carestini and the Italian Movements in Handel’s English Oratorios’, 14/1 (2003).
–––– ‘Christopher Hogwood becomes H. I. President’, 11/2 (2000).
–––– ‘Commemorating a Commemoration: The Royal Music Library’, 19/1 (2008).
–––– ‘Conferences Return’, 34/1 (2023).
–––– ‘Did Handel perform a Pergolesi aria?’, 18/1 (2007).
–––– ‘Do we need “John”?’, 30/1 (2019).
–––– ‘Eternal Source for Speculation: Handel’s Birthday Ode for Queen Anne’, 20/2 (2009).
–––– ‘Handel, Walsh, Sonatas and Concertos in the Early 1730s’, 17/1 (2006).
–––– ‘Handel’s Comus comes to London’, 22/2 (2011).
–––– ‘Looking Backwards – and Forwards’, 9/2 (1998).
–––– ‘Manuscript Librettos of Works by Handel in the Larpent Collection’, 29/1 (2018).
–––– ‘“O Ebenezer Prout!”’, 26/1 (2015).
–––– ‘“One Mrs. Maclean”: The Background to Handel’s Association with Christina Avolio’, 35/1 (2024).
–––– ‘Our First Twenty-Five Years’, 23/2 (2012).
–––– ‘Singing the “Hallelujah” Chorus, Still’, 18/2 (2007).
–––– ‘“Something necessary to the connection”: Charles Jennens, James Hunter and Handel’s Samson’, 15/1 (2004).
–––– ‘The “Great Catalogue” of John Walsh Junior’, 34/2 (2023).
–––– ‘The “Handel Documents” Project’, 18/2 (2007); 21/1 (2010).
–––– ‘The Alan Kitching Collection’, 1/2 (1990).
–––– ‘The Malmesbury Collection Survey Completed’, 2/2 (1991).
–––– ‘The Malmesbury Collection Survey: a Progress Report’, 2/1 (1991).
–––– ‘The Novello Handel Edition: A History and a Memoir’, 28/2 (2017).
–––– ‘The Origin of the “Smith Collection”: A Solution and a Puzzle’, 31/1 (2020).
–––– ‘The Origin of the “Smith Collection”: A Solution and a Puzzle’, 31/1 (2020).
–––– ‘Two Anniversaries’, 10/1 (1999).
–––– ‘Two Connections Completed’, 16/2 (2005).
–––– ‘Two Friends from Halle’, 27/1 (2016).
–––– ‘Walsh’s Edition of Handel’s “Solos”’, 19/1 (2008).
Burrows, Donald, and Hicks, Anthony, ‘The “Warren” Manuscript of Messiah’, 12/2 (2001).
Burrows, Donald and Shaw, Watkins, ‘A Long-standing Continuo Tradition?’, 3/2 (1992), 4/1 (1993).
Burrows, Donald, and Timms, Colin, ‘The Handel Institute and the Hicks Collection’, 26/1 (2015).
Burrows, Donald, and Tindall, Paul, ‘Gustavus Waltz: A New Discovery’, 24/1 (2013).
Charlton, David, ‘The Frenchman who met Handel’, 15/2 (2004).
Chesser, Richard, ‘Granville Reunited: A “New” Handel Manuscript at the British Library’, 28/2 (2017).
Chisholm, Duncan, ‘A Book in Handel’s Library’, 10/1 (1999).
–––– ‘Handel in Hell?’, 9/1 (1998).
Chrissochoidis, Ilias, ‘A “Fam’d Oratorio … in Old English Sung”: Esther on 16 May 1732’, 18/1 (2007).
–––– ‘Handel References in The Evening Advertiser (1754–1756)’, 19/1 (2008).
–––– ‘Mrs Cibber’s Oratorio Salary in 1744-45’, 20/1 (2009).
–––– ‘Senesino’s Black Boy (1725)’, 21/1 (2010).
Compton, Blaise, ‘Handel’s Hornpipe’, 28/1 (2017).
Cunningham, Bridget, ‘ Handel’s Caio Fabbricio’, 33/2 (2022).
Cummings, Graham, ‘Senesino’s Revenge: The “pirated” Ottone (December 1734)’, 35/2 (2024).
Daniels, Simon, ‘Handel at Home: The Restoration of 25 Brook Street’, 34/1 (2023).
Dean, Winton, ‘Alan Kitching and the Unicorn Theatre’, 1/2 (1990).
Dean, Winton, and John Merrill Knapp, Handel’s Operas 1704–1726 (reprint), 20/2 (2009).
DeSimone, Alison, ‘An American in London: Research on a Handel Institute Grant’, 29/1 (2018).
Drauschke, Hansjörg, ‘Vocal Chamber Music in Hamburg: Keiser, Mattheson and Handel’, 25/2 (2014).
Dunhill, Rosemary, ‘James Harris and Handel’, 7/1 (1996).
Frosch, William A., ‘A Bonesetter’s Contract’, 17/2 (2006).
Gianturco, Carolyn, ‘Il Trionfo Revived’, 6/1 (1995) [with postscript by Donald Burrows].
Greenacombe, John, ‘Did Italians sing in Deborah in 1744?’, 19/2 (2008).
–––– ‘Where precisely was the “Fireworks Machine” in 1749?’, 27/1 (2016).
Gwynn, Dominic, ‘The “Handel Organ” at St Lawrence Whitchurch, Little Stanmore, Middlesex’, 7/2 (1996).
Harris, Ellen, ‘Handel’s Accumulation of Wealth’, 13/1 (2002).
Hawks, Katie, ‘Looking for Richard: Why Handel wrote Riccardo Primo’, 23/1 (2012).
Hicks, Anthony, ‘A New Jennens Letter’, 1 /2 (1990).
–––– ‘Acis and Galatea in 1736’, 15/1 (2004).
–––– ‘“Chandos” Te Deum at Oxford’, 10/1 (1999).
–––– ‘Handel, Milton and The New Calliope’, 8/1 (1997).
–––– ‘The Handel House’, 1/2 (1990).
Hogg, Katharine, ‘By George! Handel’s Music for Royal Occasions’, 25/1 (2014).
–––– ‘From the Gerald Coke Handel Collection: Handbook for Studies in 18th-Century English Music, and Water Music Exhibition, 28/1 (2017).
–––– ‘New Handel Manuscript at Coke Collection’, 23/2 (2012).
–––– ‘The Gerald Coke Handel Collection at the Foundling Museum’, 15/2 (2004).
–––– ‘Recent Additions to the Gerald Coke Handel Collection’, 35/1 (2024).
Holman, Peter, ‘New Light on John Eccles (1670–1735), Handel’s Court Colleague’, 32/2 (2021).
–––– ‘“An exceeding fine toned double key’d Harpsichord, with a Spinet at one end”: New Light on the Cannons Ruckers Harpsichord’, 35/2 (2024).
Hoshino, Hiromi, ‘Handel Sources in the Nanki Music Library, now in Wakayama’, 31/2 (2020).
Hunter, David, ‘Handel at Exton, Rutland’, 25/1 (2014).
–––– ‘Handel, Women, and the War with Spain’, 10/2 (1999).
–––– ‘Messiah in Cork 1744’, 12/1 (2001).
–––– ‘Mr Handel sings Duets with Lady Gatehouse’, 17/1 (2006).
Johnstone, H. Diack, ‘Handel Revamped’, 25/1 (2014).
–––– ‘Matthew Dubourg as a Collector of Art’, 33/1 (2022).
Joncus, Berta, ‘The Handel-Senesino Rivalry’, 32/1 (2021), 1–3.
Jones, Andrew V., ‘Further Thoughts on Borrowings in Handel’s Agrippina’, 22/1 (2011).
–––– ‘New Light on Elizabeth Legh’s Handel Collection’, 31/1 (2020).
King, Richard G., ‘A Guide to the Uninventoried Parts of the Fonds Schoelcher’, 8/1 (1997).
Kirkendale, Warren, ‘Handel, Ruspoli and Ursula Kirkendale in the Vatican’, 29/1 (2018).
Koch, Klaus-Peter, ‘Handel’s Family’, 19/2 (2008).
Landgraf, Annette, ‘Handel in German Belletristic Literature’, 24/1 (2013).
Lanfossi, Carlo, ‘Listening to Didone abbandonata’, 30/2 (2019).
Lindgren, Lowell, ‘A Preview of Zamboniana’, 2/1 (1991).
–––– ‘Cantatas and Arias in the Collection of Griselda Baillie (1692–1759)’, 23/1 (2012).
McCleave, Sarah, ‘Dance in Handel’s Italian Operas: The Collaboration with Marie Sallé’, 5/2 (1994).
McGeary, Thomas, ‘Handel and the Feuding Royals’, 17/2 (2006).
–––– ‘Handel at Vauxhall’, 9/1 (1998).
–––– ‘Handel encores Lord Sandwich’s Christmas Concert’, 32/1 (2021).
–––– ‘Heidegger, Handel, Opera, and F––ting’, 11/1 (2000).
–––– ‘New Accounts of Handel and the Oxford Act’, 13/1 (2002).
Martinez, Yseult, ‘Handel’s Alcina and its Literary Background’, 34/1 (2023).
Murphy, Estelle, ‘Matthew Dubourg’s Violin Concerto and a case of Mistaken Identity’, 34/1 (2023).
Pegah, Rashid-S., ‘Telemann (and Keiser) Festival, Magdeburg, 8–17 March 2024’, 35/2 (2024).
Musketa, Konstanze, ‘“Various curious subjects”: The Mention of Handel in the Travel Diary of Johann Andreas Manitius’, 35/1 (2024).
Pelkey, Stanley, ‘Handel and Samuel Wesley’, 11/2 (2000).
Pont, Graham, ‘A Reminiscence of Cuzzoni’, 11/2 (2000).
–––– ‘Another Handel Anecdote’, 17/2 (2006).
–––– ‘Not Vagaries but Varieties: Handel’s ‘Inconsistencies’ Authenticated’, 11/1 (2000).
Price, Curtis, ‘A Plan for Handel’s House’, 2/2 (1991).
Rawson, Robert G., ‘Recording Pepusch’s Venus and Adonis (1715): A Tercentenary Metamorphosis’, 28/1 (2017).
Roe, Lucy, ‘Robert Smith, Music Collector’, 14/2 (2003).
Roper, Amelie, ‘Handel Autographs Digitised’, 27/2 (2016).
Sadie, Julie Anne, ‘A Prospect of Brook Street’, 5/1 (1994)
–––– ‘Brook Street Secured’, 7/1 (1996).
Scobie, Chris, ‘Two Last Nights!’: Show Business in Georgian Britain, 30/2 (2019).
Serwer, Howard, ‘Handel and the Co-ordination of National Styles: Bukofzer Revisited’, 12/1 (2001).
Serwer, Howard, ‘The Italians in Esther’, 5/1 (1994).
Smith, Ruth, ‘Handel, Milton, and a New Document from their English Audience’, 14/2 (2003).
–––– ‘Opera in tempore belli: “English Traditions in Rinaldo” Revisited’, 23/2 (2012).
–––– ‘Timotheus, Alexander, Semele and Handel’, 14/1 (2003).
–––– ‘What instrument(s) did Timotheus play?’, 31/1 (2020).
Snape, John, ‘Solomon and the Blessings of Laws, wisely applied’, 31/2 (2020).
Spencer-Longhurst, Paul, and Colin Timms, ‘Handel and George I in Birmingham’, 8/2 (1997).
Strohm, Reinhard, ‘Giulio Cesare in Vienna, Rodelinda in Mexico: Handel and Salvi at the Theater am Kärtner Tor’, 32/1 (2021), 3–4.
–––– ‘Handel’s Operas and the “Hanseatic” Arioso’, 17/2 (2006).
Sumner, Brenda, ‘Charles Jennens’ Piano and Music Room’, 22/2 (2011).
Talbot, Michael, ‘An Unexpected Handel Copyist: Francesco Barsanti’, 24/2 (2013).
–––– ‘Thomas Newburgh and his Poem on Handel’s Blindness’, 29/2 (2018).
–––– ‘By Handel, by Bach or by neither: A Keyboard Fugue in Bologna and Berlin’, 34/1 (2023)
Taylor, Carole, ‘Paying for Opera in 1730s London’, 27/2 (2016).
Thomas, Graham, ‘Burney on Handel: A New Source’, 6/2 (1995).
Thurston, Tim, ‘Fishamble Street: Neal’s Music Hall (1988-2001)’, 12/2 (2001).
–––– ‘Messiah Plaque returns to Fishamble Street’, 15/1 (2004).
Timms, Colin, ‘1714 and All That’, 25/2 (2014).
–––– ‘A Borrowing from Vivaldi in Theodora, 21/1 (2010).
–––– ‘Archive Notes on Singers in Agrippina’, 22/1 (2011).
–––– ‘Archive Notes on Singers in Rodrigo’, 21/2 (2010).
–––– ‘Boyce’s Ode to Shakespeare: The Missing Autograph Folio’, 17/1 (2006).
–––– ‘Did Handel borrow from Leclair?’, 30/1 (2019).
–––– ‘George Oldmixon: “The Unborn Poet”’, 35/1 (2024).
–––– ‘Handel at the Barber: The ‘Lewis’ Years’, 20/1 (2009).
–––– ‘The Handel Institute: The First Five Years’, 3/1 (1992).
Timms, Colin, and Spencer-Longhurst, Paul, ‘Handel and George I in Birmingham’, 8/2 (1997).
Tindall, Paul, and Burrows, Donald, ‘Gustavus Waltz: A New Discovery’, 24/1 (2013).
Trowell, Brian, ‘Handel, Thomas Birch and Elizabeth Carter’, 8/1 (1997).
–––– ‘Michael Rophino Lacy and Ginevra of Sicily: A 19th-Century Adaptation of Handel’s Ariodante, 6/1 (1995).
Twomey, Cathal, ‘‘Things shall answer to Things”: Parallelism in the Librettos of Handel’s English scriptural Works’, 32/2 (2021).
Vadaneaux, Tina, ‘Continuo Foundation and Continuo Direct: Helping Baroque music to flourish over the long-term’, 35/1 (2024).
Varka, Natassa, ‘April in Princeton: With a Handel Institute Research Award’, 29/1 (2018).
Watts, Tony, ‘Handel and Cambridge’, 33/2 (2022).
Zsovár, Judit, ‘Baroque Prototypes of the Soprano sfogato?’, 30/2 (2019).
Conferences Announcements
13th Handel Institute Conference, 33/2 (2022), 34/1 (2023)
14th Handel Institute Conference, 35/2 (2024)
Agostino Steffani: Europäischer Komponist und hannoverscher Diplomat der Leibniz-Zeit, 25/2 (2014)
American Handel Society Conference, Boston 2025, 35/2 (2024)
Handel after Handel: The Making, Lasting Fame and Influence of Handel and the Handelian Figure, 22/2 (2011)
Handel: Interactions and Influences’, 31/2 (2020)
John Rich and the 18th-Century London Stage: Commerce, Magic and Management, 18/1 and 18/2 (2007)
Music and the Book Trade from the 16th to the 19th Century, 18/2 (2007)
Music in 18th-Century Britain, 27/2 (2016); 28/2 (2017); 29/2 (2018)
Power of Musicke, The: Music and Politics in Georgian Britain, 24/1 (2013)
Redemption and the Modern Age – Handel’s Messiah in the 19th to 21st Century, 31/2 (2020)
The Politics of Opera – Handel’s Opera Academies 1719–1737, 33/2 (2022)
Handel Institute Conference Abstracts
Commemorating Handel, 18/2 (2007)
Great among the Nations, 10/2 (1999)
Handel and his Eighteenth-Century Performers, 26/2 (2015)
Handel and his Music for Patrons, 29/2 (2018)
Handel and his Rivals, 7/2 (1996)
Handel at Court, 23/2 (2012)
Handel Collections and Their History, 1/2 (1990)
Handel: Interactions and Influences, 32/2 (2021)
Handel in the 1730s, 4/2 (1993)
Handel in Cities and Houses, 13/2 (2002)
Performing Handel – Then and Now, 16/2 (2005)
Purcell, Handel and Literature, 20/1 and 20/2 (2009)
Thirteenth Handel Institute Conference, 34/2 (2023)
Handel Institute Announcements
Awards (Conference), 25/2 (2014), 26/1 (2015)
Awards (Performance), 5/1 (1994)
Awards (Research), recipients of, 8/1 (1997), 25/2 (2014)
Handel: Collected Documents, 31/1 (2020), 33/2 (2022)
Handel Institute Websites, 21/1 (2010), 23/2 (2012), 29/2 (2018)
Helen Coffey takes over as Secretary, 27/1 (2016)
Honour for Terence Best, 14/2 (2003)
‘Secretaries: Vale et salve’, 17/1 (2006)
Other Announcements
Best, Terence (1929–2024), 35/1 (2024)
Cannons Park, Edgware: 12/2 (2001), 14/1 (2003)
Coke Handel Collection, 6/2 (1995), 15/1 (2004)
Exhibition at Pallant House, 3/1 (1992)
Handbook for Studies in 18th-Century English Music: Katharine Hogg, 28/1 (2017)
Handel House Museum, 12/2 (2001)
Handel’s House, 2/1 (1991)
Handel’s London House, 1/1 (1990)
Handel’s Operas 1704-1726 (Winton Dean and John Merrill Knapp), 20/2 (2009)
Handel’s Will: Facsimiles and Commentary, 20/1 (2009)
Harris, Ellen T., Handel as Orpheus, 33/2 (2022)
International Handel Research Prize, 25/2 (2014), 29/2 (2018), 30/2 (2019), 31/1 (2020), 31/2
(2020), 32/2 (2021), 33/1 (2022), 33/2 (2022)
New Handel Manuscript at Coke Collection, 23/2 (2012)
New Perspectives on Handel’s Music, ed. David Vickers, 33/2 (2022)
Baselt, Bernd (1934-1993): Terence Best, 5/1 (1994)
Baselt, Elfriede: Donald Burrows, 27/1 (2016)
Best, Terence (1929–2024): Donald Burrows, 35/2 (2024)
Brett, Philip (1937-2002): Nicholas McGegan, 14/1 (2003)
Channon, Merlin (1924-2015): Donald Burrows, 27/1 (2016)
Coke, Gerald (1907-1990): Winton Dean, 1/1 (1990)
Curtis, Alan (1934-2015): David Vickers, 27/1 (2016)
Dean, Winton (1916-2013): Terence Best, 25/1 (2014)
Farncombe, Charles (1919-2006): James Bowman, 18/1 (2007)
Flesch, Siegfried (1933-2007): Terence Best, 19/1 (2008)
Gwynn, Dominic (died 2024): Donald Burrows, 35/2 (2024)
Hicks, Anthony (1943-2010): Donald Burrows and Laurence Cummings, 21/2 (2010)
Hogwood, Christopher (1941-2014): Donald Burrows, 26/1 (2015)
Kirkendale, Ursula (1932-2013): Colin Timms, 24/2 (2013)
Kitching, Alan (1906-1997): Stanley Sadie, 8/2 (1997)
Knapp, John Merrill (1914-1993): Terence Best, 4/1 (1993)
Mann, Alfred (1917-2006): Donald Burrows, 18/1 (2007)
Porter, Andrew (1928-2015): David Vickers, 27/2 (2016)
Sadie, Stanley (1930-2005): Anthony Hicks, 16/1 (2005)
Serwer, Howard (1928-2000), Donald Burrows, 11/2 (2000)
Siegmund-Schulze, Walther (1916-1993): Percy M. Young, 4/1 (1993)
Traver, Paul (1931-2011): Graydon Beeks, 22/2 (2011)
Trowell, Brian (1931-2015): Donald Burrows, 27/1 (2016)
Watanabe, Keiichiro (1932-2001): Donald Burrows, 13/1 (2002)
Willcocks, Sir David (1919-2015): Silas Wollston, 27/1 (2016)
Wood, Bruce (died 2023): Donald Burrows, 35/2 (2024)
Young, Percy M. (1912-2004): Andrew Jones, 15/2 (2004)
Zschoch, Frieder: Donald Burrows, 27/1 (2016)
Reviews and Reports
‘By Heaven Inspired’: Die Bildnisse von Georg Friedrich Händel (Hans Joachim Marx): Colin Timms, 32/2 (2021)
The Cambridge Companion to Handel (Donald Burrows): Brian Trowell, 9/1 (1998)
The Double Bass Violone (Alfred Planyavsky): Fiona Palmer, 12/1 (2001)
Handel’s Operas 1726–1741 (Winton Dean): David Kimbell, 18/2 (2007)
Handel’s Oratorios and Eighteenth-Century Thought (Ruth Smith): Winton Dean, 7/1 (1996)
19th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music: Colin Timms, 32/2 (2021)
American Handel Society: Donald Burrows, 2/1 (1991); Terence Best, 6/1 (1995); Jonathan Tyack, 16/1 (2005); Tim Neufeldt, 21/1 (2010); Matthew Gardner, 22/2 (2011), 24/1 (2013), 26/2 (2015); David Vickers, 28/1 (2017); Natassa Varka, 30/1 (2019); Joseph Lockwood and Natassa Varka, 32/1 (2021); Donald Burrows, 34/1 (2023)
Ariodante Conference, April 1993: Terence Best, 4/1 (1993)
From Alcina to Theodora: Female Figures in the works of Handel and his Contemporaries: Natassa Varka, 30/2 (2019)
Georg Friedrich Händel a Roma: Donald Burrows, 19/2 (2008)
Georg Friedrich Händel – in viaggio verso l’Italia: Reinhard Strohm, 21/1 (2010)
Handel and His Rivals: Berta Joncus, 8/1 (1997)
Handel at Court: Carole Taylor, 24/1 (2013)
Handel in the 1730s: 5/1 (1994)
La cantata da camera intorno agli anni ‘italiani’ di Händel: Problemi e prospettive di ricerca: Carrie Churnside, 19/2 (2008)
Metastasio: Anja-Rosa Thöming, 9/2 (1998)
Music in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Donald Burrows, 34/1 (2023)
Orlando and the History of Handel’s Operas in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Berthold Over, 33/2 (2022)
Purcell, Handel and Literature: John Greenacombe, 21/1 (2010)
Redemption and the Modern Age: Handel’s Messiah from the late 18th to the 21st Century’: Colin Timms, 32/2 (2021)
Von Neapel nach Hamburg: Die Europäischen Reisen der ‘Partenope’: Reinhard Strohm, 21/1 (2010)
Walsh in Europe and Beyond: Donald Burrows, 34/1 (2023)
Politik der Oper: Händels Opernakademien 1719–1737: Colin Timms, 34/2 (2023)
Cantatas for Alto and Continuo (ed. Ellen Harris): Andrew Jones, 13/2 (2002); Ellen Harris, 14/1 (2003); Andrew Jones, 14/1 (2003)
Giulio Cesare in Egitto (ed. Winton Dean and Sarah Fuller): Anthony Hicks, 13/1 (2002)
Hallische Händel-Ausgabe: Terence Best, 1/1 (1990), 2/1 (1991), 2/2 (1991), 3/2 (1992), 5/1 (1994), 6/1 (1995), 17/1 (2006)
Music for the Royal Fireworks (facsimile, ed. Christopher Hogwood): Anthony Hicks, 16/1 (2005)
New Handel Editions, 10/2 (1999)
New Vocal Scores of Handel from Bärenreiter, 19/2 (2008)
Novello Handel Edition: Donald Burrows, 28/2 (2017)
Prout: Donald Burrows, 26/1 (2015)
By George! Handel’s Music for Royal Occasions: Katharine Hogg, 25/1 (2014)
Handel and the Castrati, 17/1 (2006)
Handel’s Giulio Cesare: From Egypt to England: Katharine Hogg, 17/1 (2006)
Handel the Philanthropist, 20/1 (2009)
Water Music, 28/1 (2017)
‘Two Last Nights!’: Show Business in Georgian Britain: Chris Scobie, 30/2 (2019)
Winton Dean: 3/2 (1992), 4/2 (1993)
Terence Best: 4/2 (1993), 6/2 (1995), 7/2 (1996), 8/2 (1997), 9/2 (1998), 10/2 (1999), 11/2 (2000), 12/2 (2001), 23/2 (2012)
David Vickers: 13/2 (2002), 14/2 (2003), 15/2 (2004), 16/2 (2005), 17/2 (2006), 18/2 (2007), 19/2 (2008), 20/2 (2009) 21/2 (2010), 22/2 (2011), 23/2 (2012), 24/2 (2013), 26/2 (2015)
Graham Cummings: 25/2 (2014)
Donald Burrows: 28/2 (2017), 29/2 (2018)
Terence Best: 1/2 (1990), 2/2 (1991), 3/2 (1992), 4/2 (1993), 5/2 (1994), 6/2 (1995), 7/2 (1996), 8/2 (1997), 9/2 (1998), 10/2 (1999), 11/2 (2000), 12/2 (2001); 13/2 (2002), 14/2 (2003), 15/2 (2004), 16/2 (2005), 17/2 (2006), 18/2 (2007), 19/2 (2008); 20/2 (2009); 21/2 (2010); 22/2 (2011); 23/2 (2012), 25/2 (2014), 26/2 (2015), 27/2 (2016), 28/2 (2017), 29/2 (2018)
Winton Dean: 2/2 (1991), 3/2 (1992), 4/2 (1993), 8/2 (1997)
Donald Burrows: 16/2 (2005)
David Vickers: 23/2 (2012), 34/2 (2023)
Terence Best: 9/1 (1998), 10/1 (1999), 23/2 (2012), 24/2 (2013), 25/2 (2014); 26/1 (2015)
Winton Dean: 11/2 (2000)
Maryland (American Handel Society)
Donald Burrows: 2/1 (1991)
Terence Best: 6/1 (1995)
Perth, Australia
Sandra Bowdler, 21/1 (2010)
Opera and Oratorio Productions
Admeto: Cambridge, Winton Dean, 10/2 (1999); Halle, Terence Best, 17/2 (2006)
Alcina: English National Opera, Winton Dean, 11/1 (2000); Edinburgh, Winton Dean, 11/2 (2000)
Agrippina: Birmingham, 20/1 (2009); Cambridge, 22/1 (2011)
Amadigi: New Chamber Opera, David Vickers, 12/2 (2001)
Ariodante: English National Opera, Winton Dean, 4/2 (1993); Cardiff, Anthony Hicks, 5/1 (1994); Halle, Winton Dean, 8/2 (1997)
Atalanta: Göttingen, David Vickers, 16/2 (2005)
Catone in Utica: London Handel Festival, Terence Best, 26/1 (2015)
Deidamia: London Handel Festival, Anthony Hicks, 6/1 (1995)
Ezio: Halle Hochschule, Donald Burrows, 4/1 (1993)
Giove in Argo: London Handel Festival, Terence Best, 26/1 (2015)
Giulio Cesare: BBC2, Winton Dean, 3/1 (1992); Barbican, Winton Dean, 9/1 (1998)
Imeneo: Dublin, Donald Burrows, 17/1 (2006)
Lotario: Royal College of Music, Winton Dean, 10/1 (1999)
Oreste: Linbury, Covent Garden, Terence Best, 11/1 (2000)
Ottone: London Handel Festival, Winton Dean, 11/2 (2000); Tokyo, Donald Burrows, 21/1 (2010)
Partenope: Cambridge, Winton Dean, 6/1 (1995); Innsbruck, David Vickers, 11/1 (2000); Early Opera Company, David Vickers, 12/2 (2001)
Poro: Göttingen, David Vickers, 17/2 (2006)
Radamisto: London Handel Festival, Terence Best, 9/1 (1998); Halle, Terence Best, 11/2 (2000)
Riccardo Primo: Covent Garden, Terence Best, 2/2 (1991)
Rodelinda: Glyndebourne, Winton Dean, 9/2 (1998); Göttingen, Terence Best, 11/2 (2000); Halle, Terence Best, 16/2 (2005); English National Opera, Terence Best, 25/2 (2014)
Serse: Halle and Göttingen, Winton Dean, 8/2 (1997)
Silla: London Handel Festival, Winton Dean, 11/2 (2000)
Siroe: London Handel Festival, Anthony Hicks, 5/1 (1994)
Tamerlano: Karlsruhe, Winton Dean, 4/1 (1993); Covent Garden, Terence Best, 6/1 (1995); Turin, Terence Best, 8/2 (1997); Drottningholm, Terence Best, 11/2 (2000)
Theodora: Glyndebourne, Winton Dean, 7/2 (1996)
Tolomeo: Broomhill Opera, Winton Dean, 9/2 (1998)
Grand Tour and Country House, 10/1 (1999)
International Handel Recording Prize, 13/2 (2002)
Stanley Sadie Handel Recording Prize: David Vickers, 19/2 (2008); 20/2 (2009); 21/1 (2010); 22/2 (2011); 24/2 (2013)
Study Days
Agrippina. 22/1 (2011)
Ariodante, 20/1 (2009)
Atalanta, 24/1 (2013)
Brockes Passion and Esther, 12/2 (2001)
‘Documents about Handel (and Others)’, 21/2 (2010): Carole Taylor, 22/1 (2011)
Imeneo, 17/2 (2006)
Rodelinda, 29/1 (2018)
Serse, 13/2 (2002)
Tamerlano, 15/2 (2004)
Theodora, 28/1 (2017)